It is on the basis of the observation that most people wish to live in respect of others and the environment, without necessarily having the practical elements to achieve it, that the idea of creating the association ETIK2A(1) was born in 2005.
The primary purpose of the association is therefore to provide quality information and practical elements that can help everyone to effectively adopt a more ethical conduct on a daily basis. In order to achieve this goal, ETIK2A conducts an upstream reflection on themes where ethical aspects remain questionable today (in particular the environment, animal welfare, digital hygiene). To support and enrich this reflection, and then validate the information it disseminates, the association occasionally calls on external contributors recognized for their technical and/or scientific expertise in the field explored.
Secondly, the association proposes to provide assistance, on a case-by-case basis, to persons who are struggling due to illness, disability, social problems or difficult living conditions, Such aid may take all forms from such time as it meets the needs of the beneficiary, without jeopardising the existence of the association (in particular its financial equilibrium) and in accordance with its values. Either directly or through its members, ETIK2A also supports other associations revolving around similar actions and working with the same aims(2).
ETIK2A is a non-profit, secular and independent association. It refers to evidence-based information, in the scientific sense of the word. It recognizes the usefulness of the emotional and the value of artistic creation, considering that each of these aspects must be identified in the processes of reflection. It ensures its independence by having as its sole source of funding donations and advances granted by its members, copyright and occasional participation in costs related to the provision of documentation or advice. ETIK2A promotes collective action, does not highlight any individuality from its ranks and preserves its cohesion by studying only sponsorship memberships.
(1) ETIK2A is a French non-profit association (law of 1901), whose notice of establishment was published in the Official Journal of 16 December 2006. (2) For example, ETIK2A is one of the donors who contributed to the making of the film “ALF”, released in 2012, produced by Minotaure films and directed by Jérôme Lescure.